using AngouriMath; using AngouriMath.Extensions; using static System.Console; using static AngouriMath.MathS;
WriteLine("Alright, let's start from a hello world");
WriteLine("2 + 3 is " + "2 + 3".EvalNumerical().Stringize());
WriteLine("x + 3 + 4 + x + 2x + 23 + a".Simplify().Stringize());
var expr = Sin(x) + Sqrt(x) + Integral(Sin(Sin(x)), x);
WriteLine("x2 = 3".Solve("x").Stringize());
WriteLine("(x - 2)(x - 3) = 0 and (x - 1)(x - 2) = 0".Solve("x").InnerSimplified.Stringize());
WriteLine("sin(a x)2 + c sin(2 a x) = c".Solve("x"));
WriteLine("(x - 6)(x + 9) >= 0".Solve("x").Latexise());
WriteLine("{ 1, 2 }".Latexise());
WriteLine("[3; +oo)".Latexise());
WriteLine("{ x : x8 + a x < 0 }".Latexise());
WriteLine(@"A \/ B".Latexise());
WriteLine(@"A /\ B".Latexise());
WriteLine(@"A \ B".Latexise());
WriteLine(@"{ 1, 2, 3 } \/ { 3, 5 }".Simplify());
WriteLine(@"[a; b) \/ { b }".Simplify());
WriteLine("x2 + a x".Differentiate("x").InnerSimplified);
WriteLine("x2 + a x".Integrate("x").InnerSimplified.Latexise());
WriteLine("(a x2 + b x) / (e x - h x2 - 3)".Limit("x", "+oo").InnerSimplified);
WriteLine("true and false implies true".Simplify());
WriteLine(string.Join(" ", new[] { "a", "b", "c", "F" }));
WriteLine(MathS.Boolean.BuildTruthTable("a and b implies c", "a", "b", "c"));
WriteLine("x ^ y + sqrt(x) + integral(sqrt(x) / a, x, 1) + derivative(sqrt(x) / a, x, 1) + limit(sqrt(x) / a, x, +oo)".Latexise());