public static void Main()
public static void Checkpoint1_1()
Console.WriteLine("{0,50}", "*********** Checkpoint 1.1 ************");
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} numbers between 1 and 100 that are divisible by 3 with no remainder.\n", total);
public static void Checkpoint1_2()
Console.WriteLine("{0,50}", "*********** Checkpoint 1.2 ************\n");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number and I will calculate the SUM of all entered numbers.\n");
Console.WriteLine("Or enter OK to exit");
string i = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
Console.WriteLine("---------- That is all! ------------\n");
sum += Convert.ToInt64(i);
Console.WriteLine("\n\tThe Sum of all entered numbers is {0}.\n", sum);
public static void Checkpoint1_3()
Console.WriteLine("{0,50}", "*********** Checkpoint 1.3 ************\n");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your factorial number between 1 and 100 = ");
double factorial = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine(" = {0}", result);
Console.WriteLine("Factorial of your number! = {0}.\n", result);
public static void Checkpoint1_4()
Console.WriteLine("{0,50}", "*********** Checkpoint 1.4 ************\n");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number between 1 and 10.");
Console.WriteLine("You have 4 chances to guess the secret number.");
int randomInteger = Getting_Random();
private static int Getting_Random()
var random = new Random();
return random.Next(1, 10);
public static void Attempts(int randomInteger)
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
Console.Write("\n\tThe {0} attempt: ", i);
int input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (input == randomInteger )
Console.WriteLine("\t\nYou have won! The secret number is {0}.\n", randomInteger);
Console.WriteLine("You lost. The secret number was {0}.", randomInteger);
Console.Write("Nope. Try again.\n");
private static bool ChancesToWin(int i)
public static void Checkpoint1_5()
Console.WriteLine("\n{0,50}", "*********** Checkpoint 1.5 ************\n");
Console.WriteLine("Enter a numbers separated by a space:");
string[] bunchOfNumbers = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int[] nums = Array.ConvertAll(bunchOfNumbers, int.Parse);
foreach (int num in nums)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - is the greatest number.", greatest);