public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter number of touchdowns for the Home team:");
string countTouchdowns = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter number of extra points for the Home team:");
string countExtraPoints = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter number of field goals for the Home team:");
string countFieldGoals = Console.ReadLine();
int intTouchdowns = int.Parse(countTouchdowns);
int intExtraPoints = int.Parse(countExtraPoints);
int intFieldGoals = int.Parse(countFieldGoals);
int touchdownValue = (6);
int extraPointValue = (1);
int fieldGoalValue = (3);
int homeScore = ((touchdownValue * intTouchdowns) + (extraPointValue * intExtraPoints) + (fieldGoalValue * intFieldGoals));
Random randomGeneratorA = new Random();
int awayTouchdowns = randomGeneratorA.Next(3);
Random randomGeneratorB = new Random();
int awayExtraPoints = randomGeneratorB.Next(3);
Random randomGeneratorC = new Random();
int awayFieldGoals = randomGeneratorC.Next(3);
int awayScore = ((touchdownValue * awayTouchdowns) + (extraPointValue * awayExtraPoints) + (fieldGoalValue * awayFieldGoals));
Console.WriteLine("FINAL SCORE");
Console.WriteLine("Home team: " + homeScore);
Console.WriteLine("Away team: " + awayScore);