Dim ProcessorOptions() As String = {"", "p3", "p5", "p7"}
Dim RAMOptions() As String = {"", "16GB", "32GB"}
Dim StorageOptions() As String = {"", "1TB", "2TB" }
Dim ScreenOptions() As String = {"", "19""", "23"""}
Dim CaseOptions() As String = {"", "Mini tower", "Midi tower"}
Dim USBportsOptions() As String = {"", "2 ports", "4 ports"}
Dim ProcessorPrices() As Integer = {-1, 100, 120, 200}
Dim RAMPrices() As Integer = {-1, 75, 150}
Dim StoragePrices() As Integer = {-1, 50, 100}
Dim ScreenPrices() As Integer = {-1, 65, 120}
Dim CasePrices() As Integer = {-1, 40, 70}
Dim USBportsPrices() As Integer = {-1, 10, 20}
Dim ProcessorChosen As Integer
Dim StorageChosen As Integer
Dim ScreenChosen As Integer
Dim CaseChosen As Integer
Dim USBportsChosen As Integer
Dim TotalPrice As Integer = 0
Dim LastEstimateNumber As Integer = 0
Dim EstimateNumber As Integer
Console.Writeline("Processor Options")
Console.Writeline(ProcessorOptions(i) & " $" & ProcessorPrices(i) )
Console.Writeline("Enter option 1 to 3")
ProcessorChosen = Console.Readline()
Loop Until ProcessorChosen >= 1 AND ProcessorChosen <=3
TotalPrice = TotalPrice + ProcessorPrices(ProcessorChosen)
EstimateNumber = LastEstimateNumber + 1
LastestimateNumber = EstimateNumber
TotalPrice = TotalPrice * 1.2
Console.Writeline("Estimate No. " & EstimateNumber)
Console.Writeline("Processor " &ProcessorOptions(ProcessorChosen)& " $" & ProcessorPrices(ProcessorChosen))
Console.Writeline("Total Price $" & TotalPrice)