// Directions: Practice #9-1
// 1) Log in and Fork this fiddle your account.
// 2) Create a nested if structre as described below.
// 3) Save your fiddle and submit the link in Blackboard.
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string strHoursWorked = "82.5";
string strHourlyRate = "45.25";
double dblHoursWorked;
double dblHourlyRate;
double dblPay;
// Construct a nested if structure that does the following:
// * TryParse the strHoursWorked variable in the dblHoursWorked variable.
// * if the strHoursWorked variable can be parsed
// * continue with the second if that TryParses the dblHourlyRate.
// * if the strHourly reate can be parsed
// * Calculate and store the dblPay.
// * Display the nice message to the user. "The Pay is $3,773.13"
// * else
// * Display "Hours Worked cannot be parsed.
// * Display "Hourly Rate cannot be parsed.
// *