// Directions: Practice #7-1
// 1) Add a double constant for the TEMPERATURE_WARM and set it equal to 70.
// 2) Create an if statement at line 25 that checks to see if the dblTemperature is greater than constant you created.
// 3) If greater than or equal to the constant, output "Greater than or equal to <constant value>" . (ie. Greater than 70)
// 4) Otherwise, output, "Less than <constant value>"; (ie. Less than 70)
// 5) Change the dblTemperature = 72
// 6) Copy and paste the whole if statement after the line changing the dblTemperature to 72.
// 7) Submit your dotnetfiddle link in Blackboard.
This is what the output should look like:
42 is less than 70
72 is greater than or equal to 70
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
double dblTemperature = 42;