public static void Main()
double lja,ljb,ljc,ljaf,ljbf,ljcf;
Console.Write("What is the athlete's first name?");
Console.Write("What is the athlete's last name?");
Console.Write("What is the current date?");
Console.Write("What was the length of his/her 1st long jump attempt in meters?");
lja = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("What was the length of his/her 2nd long jump attempt in meters?");
ljb = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("What was the length of his/her 3nd long jump attempt in meters?");
ljc = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Athlete's First and Last Name: {0} {1}",fn,ln);
Console.WriteLine("Date of contest was: {0}",dt);
if (ljbf < ljaf & ljaf > ljcf)
Console.Write("Best attemp in feet was {0:f2}",ljaf);
else if (ljaf < ljbf & ljbf > ljcf)
Console.Write("Best attemp in feet was {0:f2}",ljbf);
else if (ljaf < ljcf & ljcf > ljbf)
Console.Write("Best attemp in feet was {0:f2}",ljcf);
if (ljb < lja & lja > ljc)
Console.Write("Best attemp in meters was {0:f2}", lja);
else if (lja < ljb & ljb > ljc)
Console.Write("Best attemp in meters was {0:f2}", ljb);
else if (lja < ljc & ljc > ljb)
Console.Write("Best attemp in meters was {0:f2}", ljc);
Console.WriteLine("His/Her first jump was {0:f2} meters or {1:f2}.",lja,ljaf);
Console.WriteLine("His/Her second jump was {0:f2} meters or {1:f2}.", ljb, ljbf);
Console.WriteLine("His/Her third jump was {0:f2} meters or {1:f2}.", ljc, ljcf);