Imports System
Public Module Module1
Public Sub Main()
dim n(19) as integer
dim i as integer
dim r as integer
dim t as integer
dim x as integer
console.WriteLine("enter a number")
r = console.ReadLine()
x = r
do until x <= 0 'this command is used to figure out if the number is odd or even
x = x - 2
if x < 0 then 'if the number entered is odd then add by 10
for i = 1 to 19
n(0) = r
n(i) = r + 10
r = r + 10
elseif x = 0 then 'if the number entered is even then it subtracts 10
n(i) = r - 10
r = r - 10
end if
for t = 1 to 19
console.WriteLine(n(t)) ' displaying
End Sub
End Module