using System.Collections.Generic;
static void Main(string[] args)
var ant = new List<string>() { "carrot", "eggs", "waterbottle" };
Console.WriteLine("value of a {0} type {1}", a, a.GetType());
Console.WriteLine($"value of b {b} type {b.GetType()}");
for (var i = 0; i < ant.Count; i++)
ant.ForEach(an => Console.WriteLine(an));
string afriend= "Kendsra";
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {afriend}");
string bfriend = "scotty";
Console.WriteLine($"One friend is {afriend} and also {bfriend}");
Console.WriteLine($"I have a friend {afriend} and ver long {afriend.Length} long");
Console.WriteLine("Helo World");
Console.WriteLine("Hello \"World\" \"twenty\"!!@");
Console.WriteLine("Hello \"World of Asgag \" \"Thank YOu\" !");
Console.WriteLine("\nGenerate invoices for customer \"ABC Corp\"....");
Console.WriteLine("\nInvoice: 1021\t\tComplete!");
Console.WriteLine("Invoice: 1022\t\tCompelte!");
Console.WriteLine("\nOutput Directory:");
Console.WriteLine("Outputin Decimal:"+ ((decimal)first)/((decimal)second));
Console.WriteLine("THe total will be :" + anum);
Console.WriteLine("THe will be only total there is in this world : " + (double)anum);
Console.WriteLine("First: " + value);
Console.WriteLine("Second: " + value++);
Console.WriteLine ("whaat " + value);
Console.WriteLine("Second: " + (++value));
double Cel = (fahrenheit -32d)*(5d/9d);
Console.WriteLine("Fahrenheit to Celsius: " + (decimal) ((fahrenheit -32d)*(5d/9d)));
Random dice= new Random();
int roll= dice.Next(1,7);
int largerValue = Math.Max(firstnum,secondnum);
Random price = new Random();
int roll2 = dice.Next(1,20);
Console.WriteLine("outputting : " + roll2);
Random nice = new Random ();
int roll4 = nice.Next(1,20);
int roll5 = nice.Next(1,40);
int roll6 = nice.Next(1,400);
int total = roll4 + roll5 + roll6;
Console.WriteLine($"out1 : {roll4}");
Console.WriteLine ("out2 : " + roll5);
Console.WriteLine($"Out 3: {roll6}");
Console.WriteLine(" Roll Toal : " + roll4 + roll5 + roll6 + "=" + total );
Console.WriteLine("Bigger than expected" + total);
Console.WriteLine("Smaller Chico number" + total);
string str = "I am going to find the waterbag and put some water for todays pinic";
bool result = str.Contains("dot");
Console.WriteLine("result" + result);
Console.WriteLine("Water is Life and it is in the statement");
Console.WriteLine("Water is not in the statement");
Random ice = new Random();
int ice1= ice.Next(1,10);
int ice2= ice.Next(1,30);
int ice3 = ice.Next(1,5);
int grand = ice1 + ice2 + ice3;
Console.WriteLine($"Grand: {ice1} + {ice2} + {ice3}= {grand}");
if ((ice1==ice2)|| (ice2==ice3) || (ice3==ice1))
if ((ice1 == ice2) && (ice2 == ice3))
Console.WriteLine("You win!");
Random roller = new Random();
int roller1 = dice.Next(1, 7);
int roller2 = dice.Next(1, 7);
int roller3 = dice.Next(1, 7);
int total1 = roller1 + roller2 + roller3;
Console.WriteLine($"Dice roll: {roller1} + {roller2} + {roller3} = {total1}");
if ((roller1 == roller2) || (roll2 == roller3) || (roller1 == roller3))
if ((roller1 == roller2) && (roller2 == roller3))
Console.WriteLine("You rolled triples! +6 bonus to total!");
Console.WriteLine("You rolled doubles! +2 bonus to total!");
Console.WriteLine("You win a new car!");
Console.WriteLine("You win a new laptop!");
Console.WriteLine("You win a trip for two!");
Console.WriteLine("You win a kitten!");
Random rand = new Random();
int daysUntilExperation = rand.Next(0);
int discountPercentage = 0;
if(daysUntilExperation <= 10)
if (daysUntilExperation <= 5)
if (daysUntilExperation == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Your subscription has expired.");
Console.WriteLine($"Your subscription expires in {daysUntilExperation} days./n Renew now and save 10%!");
Console.WriteLine($"Your subscription will expire soon. Renew now! -- Days until experation: {daysUntilExperation}");