public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Rolling a die and flipping a coin guessing game!");
Console.WriteLine("Please input your first name:");
name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to my Rolling a Die and Flipping a Coin guessing game!");
Console.WriteLine("This program will flip a coin and roll a six-sided die.");
Console.WriteLine("You will be asked to guess the outcome of both results.");
Console.WriteLine("You may choose to get a mathematical clue or guess without it.");
Console.WriteLine("If you select no hints and guess the correct flip you may receive 2 points.");
Console.WriteLine("If you select no hints and guess the correct roll you may receive 6 points.");
Random randomflip = new Random();
Random randomroll = new Random();
flipRand = randomflip.Next(1, 3);
rollRand = randomroll.Next(1, 7);
hintadd = flipRand + rollRand;
hintmult = flipRand + rollRand;
Console.WriteLine(" My flip of the coin was " + flipRand);
Console.WriteLine(" My roll of the die was" + rollRand);
Console.WriteLine(name + " please let me know if you want a mathamatical hint? [1] for hint [2] for no hint ");
hintyn = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine(name + "so you want a math hint!");
Console.WriteLine(" Your addition hint shows me that the sum of the roll and the flip =" + hintadd);
Console.WriteLine(" Your product hint shows me that the product of the roll and the flip = " + hintmult);
Console.WriteLine(name + "Please make a choice for the flip [1 for heads 2 for tails] ");
flipChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine(name + "Please make a choice for the roll of the die [the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6] ");
rollChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (flipChoice == flipRand)
if (rollChoice == rollRand)
Console.WriteLine(name + " your score is" + score);
Console.WriteLine(" My flip of the coin was " + flipRand);
Console.WriteLine(" My roll of the die was " + rollRand);
Console.WriteLine(name + " Thanks for using my Rolling a Die and Flipping a Coin guessing game!");