using System.Collections.Generic;
public string Name {get; set;}
public string Education{get; set;}
public string Email {get; set;}
public Customer(string name, string edu, string email)
public static List<Customer> CustomerList = new List<Customer>();
public static void Main()
Customer c1 = new Customer("John", "Bachelor", "");
Customer c2 = new Customer("David", "Bachelor", "");
Customer c3 = new Customer("Anderson", "Master", "");
Console.WriteLine("Show List");
foreach(Customer c in CustomerList)
Console.WriteLine(c.Name.PadRight(15) + c.Education.PadRight(15) + c.Email.PadRight(15));
Console.WriteLine("Show Email Length for all the elements of the list");
foreach(Customer c in CustomerList)
Console.WriteLine("Name is {0} : Email Length is {1}",c.Name.PadRight(15), c.EmailLength());
Console.WriteLine("Show Only Bachelor Entries");
foreach(Customer c in CustomerList)
if (c.Education == "Bachelor") Console.WriteLine(c.Name);