// 1) Create double variable called dblHoursWorked within the Main method.
// 2) Assign a typical value to the variable for a weeks work with many spots past the decimal point and greater that 40. (i.e. 45.53379)
// 3) Console Writeline : Output the variable : i.e. 45.53379
// 4) Console Writeline : Output the variable formatted to only two decimal spots: i.e. 45.53
// 5) Console Writeline : Output a line using the information with the following structure : "Hours Worked: 45.53"
// 6) Create double variable to contain the overtime hours within the Main method with the correct naming convention.
// 7) Calculate the overtime hours as the dblHoursWorked - 40;
// 8) Console Writeline : Output a line using the information with the following structure : "OverTime Hours: 5.53"
// 9) Submit your dotnetfiddle link in Blackboard.
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
// 2) Assign a typical value to the variable for a weeks work with many spots past the decimal point and greater that 50. (i.e. 45.53379)