public static void Main()
string vName = "Hanan Ali";
decimal vNum5 = 321/654M;
Console.WriteLine("This is an example of a string: " +vName);
Console.WriteLine("This is an example of an integer: " +vNum1 + ", This is an example of another integer: " +vNum2);
Console.WriteLine("When the integer 321 is divided by the integer 654");
Console.WriteLine("The division can be displayed as a float: " +vNum3);
Console.WriteLine("The division can be displayed as a double: " +vNum4);
Console.WriteLine("The division can be displayed as a decimal: " +vNum5);
Console.WriteLine("The answer to question 1 is a Boolean: " +vQn1);
Console.WriteLine("The answer to question 1 is a Boolean: " +vQn2);