public static void Main()
String rollNumber, Name, division="";
float physics, chemistry, computerapplication, total, percentage;
Console.Write("Input the Roll Number of the student:");
rollNumber = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Input the Name of the Student:");
Name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Input the marks of Physics, Chemistry and Computer Appliction:");
string[] marks = Console.ReadLine().Split();
physics = float.Parse(marks[0]);
chemistry = float.Parse(marks[1]);
computerapplication = float.Parse(marks[2]);
total = physics + chemistry + computerapplication;
if(percentage > 74 && percentage < 100)
else if (percentage > 64 && percentage < 100)
else if (percentage > 54 && percentage < 101)
division = "Second Upper";
Console.WriteLine("Roll No: " + rollNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Name of Student:" + Name);
Console.WriteLine("Marks in Physics:" + physics);
Console.WriteLine("Marks in Chemistry:" + chemistry);
Console.WriteLine("Marks in Computer Appliction:" + computerapplication);
Console.WriteLine("Total Marks = " + total);
Console.WriteLine("Percentage = " + percentage);
Console.Write("Division = " + division);