public static void Main()
bool cond1 = (x > 1 && x > y);
Console.WriteLine("cond1 = {0}, z = {1}", cond1, z);
bool cond2 = (x > 1 || x > y);
Console.WriteLine("cond1 = {0}, w = {1}", cond2, w);
Console.WriteLine("Enter the first integer number:");
if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out num1))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter an integer number.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter the second integer number:");
if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out num2))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter an integer number.");
if (num1 > 255 || num2 > 255)
Console.WriteLine("These numbers are too big!");
Console.WriteLine("Your numbers are within the acceptable range.");