private string name = "";
private string email = "";
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "Strings, selection and interation in C#";
FunFeatures funObj = new FunFeatures();
private static void ContinueToNextPart()
Console.WriteLine("\nPress enter to continue to the next part");
Console.WriteLine("Welcome back, " + name);
public void CalculateStrengthLength()
Console.WriteLine("\nLength of text: Write a text with a number of characters and press Enter");
Console.WriteLine("It will then calculate the number of chars included in the text");
Console.WriteLine("Give me a text of any length, or press Enter to exit!");
string str = Console.ReadLine();
int strLength = str.Length;
Console.WriteLine("\n"+ str.ToUpper());
Console.WriteLine("Number of chars = " + strLength);
Console.WriteLine("\nLet me know about yourself!");
Console.Write("Give me your email please: ");
email = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("\nHere is your full name and your email.");
var names = name.Split(" ");
Console.WriteLine(lName + ", " + fName + " " + email);
public void PredictTheDay()
Console.WriteLine("\nI am a fortune teller.");
Console.Write("Select a number between 1 and 7: ");
string str = Console.ReadLine();
int day = int.Parse(str);
Console.WriteLine("Monday: Keep calm my friend! You can fall apart!");
Console.WriteLine("Tuesday and Wednesday break your heart!");
Console.WriteLine("Tuesday and Wednesday break your heart!");
Console.WriteLine("Thursday, OMG, still one day to Friday!");
Console.WriteLine("It's Friday! You are in love!");
Console.WriteLine("Saturday, do nothing and do plenty of it!");
Console.WriteLine("And Sunday always comes too soon!");
Console.WriteLine("Not in a good mode? This is not a valid date!");
Console.WriteLine("Your first name please: ");
string firstname = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Your last name please: ");
string lastname = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
name = firstname + " " + lastname;
Console.WriteLine("Nice to meet you " + firstname + "!");
Console.Write("Run again? (y/n) ");
string str = Console.ReadLine();