public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to Mia's Lemonade Shop!");
Console.WriteLine("How many boxes of raspberry lemonade would you like to buy?");
byte raspberry = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
decimal cost1 = raspberry * 9.99M;
Console.WriteLine("How many boxes of hibiscus lemonade would you like to buy?");
byte pineapple = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
decimal cost2 = pineapple * 12.99M;
Console.WriteLine("How many boxes of peach lemonade would you like to buy?");
byte peach = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
decimal cost3 = peach * 14.99M;
Console.WriteLine("How many boxes of passion-fruit lemonade would you like to buy?");
byte passionfruit = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
decimal cost4 = passionfruit * 15.99M;
decimal subtotal = cost1 + cost2 + cost3 + cost4;
Console.WriteLine("Please order a box of lemonade!");
else if (subtotal > 0 && subtotal <= 50)
Console.WriteLine("Your shipping cost is $7.99.");
else if (subtotal > 50 && subtotal <= 100)
Console.WriteLine(" Your shipping cost is $9.99.");
Console.WriteLine("You qualify for free shipping!");
decimal tax = subtotal * .08625M;
decimal grandtotal = subtotal + tax + shipping;
Console.WriteLine("Your subtotal is " + subtotal.ToString("C") + ".");
Console.WriteLine("Your grand total is " + grandtotal.ToString("C") + ".");
Console.WriteLine("For purchasing a grand total of more than $200, you have won a free gift!");
Console.WriteLine("To receive a free t-shirt, enter 1, to receive a free mug, enter 2.");
byte choice = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("You chose the free t-shirt! It will be shipped with your purchase.");
Console.WriteLine( "You chose the free mug! It will be shipped with your purchase.");