public static void Main()
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Select of the product: \n1 Corn \n2 Sorghum \n3Tomato \n4 Onion");
int product1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Introduce the quantity of the product m²: ");
int product2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
double n1 = product2 * costC;
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}. FALSE! The select product exceed the acceptable cost.", n1);
Console.WriteLine("\nPrice per m2 ${0}", costC );
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}.", n1);
} else if (product1 == 2)
double n2 = product2 * costS;
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}. FALSE! The select product exceed the acceptable cost.", n2);
Console.WriteLine("The price per m2 ${0}", costS);
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}.", n2);
double n3 = product2 * costT;
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}. FALSE! The select product exceed the acceptable cost.", n3);
Console.WriteLine("The price per m² ${0}", costT);
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}.", n3);
double n4 = product2 * costO;
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}. FALSE! The select product exceed the acceptable cost.", n4);
Console.WriteLine("The price per m2 ${0}", costO);
Console.WriteLine("The total is ${0}.", n4);