public static void Main()
Description: ""Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-10 07:36:39"",
Manufacturer_id: ""0x0086"",
Manufacturer_name: ""Aeotec"",
Product_name: ""ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US"",
Product_type: ""0x0101"",
help: ""Set the time period between polls of a node's state. The length of the interval is the same for all devices. To even out the Z-Wave network traffic generated by polling, OpenZWave divides the polling interval by the number of devices that have polling enabled, and polls each in turn. It is recommended that if possible, the interval should not be set shorter than the number of polled devices in seconds (so that the network does not have to cope with more than one poll per second)."",
label: ""Poll Interval"",
help: ""Enable/Disable debug logging. It is not recommended to enable Debug for a live system as the log files generated will grow large quickly."",
help: ""Enable/Disable nightly heal network."",
label: ""Enable Nightly Heal Network (04:00 am)"",
help: ""If you are using any Security Devices, you MUST set a network Key The length should be 16 bytes!"",
label: ""Security Network Key"",
value: ""0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10""
help: ""Enable/Disable controller blinking colors when plugged in USB."",
label: ""Enable Controller Blinking"",
Description: ""Aeotec ZW080 Siren Gen5"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:49"",
Manufacturer_id: ""0x0086"",
Manufacturer_name: ""Aeotec"",
Product_name: ""ZW080 Siren Gen5"",
Product_type: ""0x0104"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:48"",
help: ""Select the Siren Sound and Volume"",
label: ""Siren sound and Volume"",
""Sound 1 - Low Volume"",
""Sound 1 - Mid Volume"",
""Sound 1 - High Volume"",
""Sound 2 - Low Volume"",
""Sound 2 - Mid Volume"",
""Sound 2 - High Volume"",
""Sound 3 - Low Volume"",
""Sound 3 - Mid Volume"",
""Sound 3 - High Volume"",
""Sound 4 - Low Volume"",
""Sound 4 - Mid Volume"",
""Sound 4 - High Volume"",
""Sound 5 - Low Volume"",
""Sound 5 - Mid Volume"",
""Sound 5 - High Volume""
value: ""Sound 1 - High Volume""
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:48"",
help: ""Enable/disable to turn off the alarm sound via pressing the Action Button."",
label: ""Enable/disable the action button"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:48"",
help: ""Enable to send notifications to associated devices (Group 1) when the state of Siren changed"",
label: ""Send Notifications"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:48"",
""Aeon Labs Standard Product""
value: ""Aeon Labs Standard Product""
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:48"",
help: ""Enable/disable Lock Configuration"",
label: ""Enable/disable Lock Configuration"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:53:48"",
help: ""Reset to factory defaults"",
label: ""Reset To Factory Defaults"",
""Reset to factory default setting"",
""Reset to factory default setting and removed from the z-wave network""
Description: ""Aeotec ZW120 Door Window Sensor Gen5"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:06"",
Manufacturer_id: ""0x0086"",
Manufacturer_name: ""Aeotec"",
Product_name: ""ZW120 Door Window Sensor Gen5"",
Product_type: ""0x0102"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
help: ""Which value of the Sensor Binary Report will be sent when the door is Opened/Closed"",
label: ""Sensor Binary Report"",
""Open: 0xFF, Close: 0x00"",
""Open: 0x00, Close: 0xFF""
value: ""Open: 0xFF, Close: 0x00""
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
help: ""Default setting: Disable"",
label: ""Enable wake up 10 minutes when re-power on the sensor"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
help: ""Which value of the Basic Set will be sent when the door is Opened/Closed"",
label: ""Basic Set Report"",
""Open: 0xFF, Close: 0x00"",
""Open: 0x00, Close: 0xFF""
value: ""Open: 0xFF, Close: 0x00""
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
label: ""Set the low battery value"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
help: ""Set the interval time of battery report. Value=0, disable the battery report for a interval time. Value=1 to 0x7FFFFFFF, the interval time of battery report is set. Note: 1, if the value is less than 10, the time unit is second. If the value is more than 10, the time unit is 4 minutes, which means if the value is more than 10 and less than 240, the interval time is 4 minutes. If the value is more than 240 and less than 480, the interval is 8 minutes. 2, if the current battery report falls below the low battery value (configurable parameter 39), it will send battery report=0xFF."",
label: ""Interval time of battery report"",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
help: ""To configure which sensor report will be sent when the Sensor is triggered Opened/Closed. Bitsets: 0->Battery report, 4->Sensor Binary, 8->Basic Set, Default setting: 0x00000100 (Basic Set). Ideal Setting for OZW is 17 (Sensor Binary and Battery Report)."",
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:04"",
help: ""Reset to factory defaults"",
label: ""Reset To Factory Defaults"",
""Reset to factory default setting"",
""Reset to factory default setting and removed from the z-wave network""
LastUpdate: ""2018-12-12 15:58:06"",
label: ""Wake-up Interval"",
title: ""OpenZWaveNodes""
var parsed = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonModel>(json);
for(var i = 0; i < parsed.result.Length; i++){
Console.Write("NodeID : " + parsed.result[i].NodeID);
Console.Write(" | Description : " + parsed.result[i].Description);
public ResultModel[] result {get;set;}
public string NodeID { get;set; }
public string Description { get;set; }