using System.Collections.Generic;
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Controls: Hit enter to continue, \ntype when prompted, \nand select multiple choices with the letter.");
Console.WriteLine("There are many, many worlds.");
Console.WriteLine("\nOne, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of \nthem all. Cracks in the space between worlds, \ncalled portals, all seemed to lead there. \nThrough one of these cracks fell a group of \nhuman mages who thought themselves as mighty \nas the gods. Yet even with all their power, the \nmages could not return to their homeworld. \nMany portals led to Mareth, but none left it.");
Console.WriteLine("There was no way for these mages to return \nhome, Lethice had come to realize. Not without \nfueling their corrupted power with thousands \nof souls. So Lethice turned her sights to \nMareth, to the gods and people of the virgin \nrealm, and began a war to conquer and corrupt \nall she laid eyes upon. The demonic horde \nswept out over the landscape, blighting the \nland and leaving in their wake a scarred \nwasteland. Even the portals could not escape \nthe spreading taint, and were soon bent to the \ndemons' purpose: though they could not leave, \nthe demons would barter with those on other \nworlds foolish enough to listen to their \nwhispers, and who would sacrifice innocent \nlives in exchange for power and dark magics.");
String str ="There was no way for these mages to return";
Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
string PlayerName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + PlayerName);