dim username, password as string
dim check, validAnswer as boolean
dim questionanswer, grade as string
Console.WriteLine("Enter your username: ")
username = console.readline()
console.writeline("Enter your password: ")
password = Console.readline()
if username = "JacobL" and password = "DStone3" or username = "JaLewins19" and password = "AintGonnaGetMyPassword" then
console.writeline("This username and/or password is invalid")
Console.Writeline("Welcome " & username & "!")
console.writeline("Would you like to save your password for this site Y/N?")
websave = console.readline()
if websave = "Y" or websave = "y" then
Console.writeline("Great! I've got a quiz for you as well...")
else if websave = "N" or websave = "n" then
console.writeline("Oh..... umm... I have a quiz for you?")
console.writeline("Invalid answer!")
Console.Writeline("Question 1 - Which of these is a type of malware? TO ANSWER TYPE A, B, OR C")
console.writeline("A) Romans, B) Worms, C) Evil Slitherers")
questionanswer = console.readline()
if questionanswer = "B" or questionanswer = "b" then
Console.writeline("Correct! Although that one was quite easy....")
else if questionanswer = "C" or questionanswer = "c" then
console.writeline("Really? Come on.... how did you even fall for that??")
else if questionanswer = "A" or questionanswer = "a" then
console.writeline("Invalid answer")
loop until validAnswer = true
Console.Writeline("Question 2 - What is phishing?")
console.writeline("A) Pretending to be a legitimate company and emailing people trying to get sensitive data out of them, B) Being mean to people online if they don't like cats, C) Going to a lake or river with a rod, with the intent to bait and take fish from their natural habitat")
questionanswer = console.readline()
if questionanswer = "A" or questionanswer = "a" then
Console.writeline("Correct! Good one!")
else if questionanswer = "C" or questionanswer = "c" then
console.writeline("Errr... that's fishing not phishing...")
else if questionanswer = "B" or questionanswer = "b" then
console.writeline("Invalid answer")
loop until validAnswer = true
Console.Writeline("Question 3 - What is cyber-bullying?")
console.writeline("A) Being hacked by a cyber-criminal, B) Bullying online, through instant messages, comments and posts, C) Bullying technology when it's slow")
questionanswer = console.readline()
if questionanswer = "b" or questionanswer = "B" then
Console.writeline("Correct! Good one!")
else if questionanswer = "C" or questionanswer = "c" then
console.writeline("wow.. just wow")
else if questionanswer = "a" or questionanswer = "A" then
console.writeline("Invalid answer")
loop until validAnswer = true
Console.Writeline("Question 4 - What is anti-virus software?")
console.writeline("A) A type of malware that duplicates and sends through email, B) Software that blocks emails, C) Software that is against viruses and is mean to them by blocking them")
questionanswer = console.readline()
if questionanswer = "c" or questionanswer = "C" then
Console.writeline("Correct! Good one!")
else if questionanswer = "B" or questionanswer = "b" then
console.writeline("What would be the point of that? A software that blocks emails? Really?")
else if questionanswer = "A" or questionanswer = "a" then
console.writeline("Invalid answer")
loop until validAnswer = true
Console.Writeline("Question 5 - What is copyright?")
console.writeline("A) Something you do to software to make it smaller, B) Something you put on software to stop people copying it, similar to a patent, C) Something you add to software to make it an exact replica of someone else's hard work and effort")
questionanswer = console.readline()
if questionanswer = "b" or questionanswer = "B" then
Console.writeline("Correct! Good one!")
else if questionanswer = "C" or questionanswer = "c" then
console.writeline("wow.. just wow")
else if questionanswer = "a" or questionanswer = "A" then
console.writeline("Invalid answer")
loop until validAnswer = true
Console.Writeline("You got developing and " & score & "%")
Console.writeline("You got secure and " & score & "%")
console.Writeline("You got an exceeding and 100%!!")
Console.writeline("Would you like to play again Y/N?")
questionanswer = console.readline()
if questionanswer = "Y" or questionanswer = "y" then
Console.Writeline("Cool! It'll replay in a second... just press enter :)")
else if questionanswer = "n" or questionanswer = "N" then
console.writeline("Invalid answer")
loop until questionanswer = "n" or questionanswer = "N"